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    Asia Province Provincial Assembly 2021

    Asia Province Provincial Assembly 2021

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    From November 23 to 25, via zoom

    The Provincial Superior, with the consent of his Council,
    may convene a Provincial Assembly,
    bringing together either the entire membership of the Province or its representatives.
    Its task is to reflect on the state of the Province and to formulate
    guidelines and plans of action
    (CICM Constitutions, Art. 90)

    The CICM Asia Province held its Provincial Assembly from November 23 to 25. It started with a short recollection guided by Father Márcio, the Provincial Superior of Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), on the theme, “Many Nations, one Province, One mission. Msgr. Prudencio Padilla Andaya Jr., C.I.C.M., Vicar Apostolic of the Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk, facilitated the Assembly. The Provincial Structures, the leadership, and the Initial Formation were the main topics addressed during the 2021 Asia Provincial Assembly. The following excerpt of the prayer for this Assembly gives a glimpse of its aim:

    Dear Abba Father,

    Help us to discover and to focus upon

    your presence rather than on our problems.

    Time and again redirect our attention to your

    promise to be with us in this fascinating continent…

    Give, dear Abba Father, that through our

    missionary endeavors we may become a

    credible image of your life-giving presence in Asia.
