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    The CICM Province of Kinshasa held its Provincial Assembly at the Centre Théophile Verbist (CTV) in Mbudi (Kinshasa) from 22 to 28 May 2022. Fifty confreres took part in this Assembly, which was convened in view of the preparation of the 16th General Chapter to be held in Rome from June 4 to 30, 2023. During this Assembly, the discernment and the sharing were focused on the theme “Witnessing to the Gospel in a changing world.” Msgr. Félicien Ntambue, Bishop of Kabinda, was the Moderator and expressed the wish that this Provincial Assembly would take place in a serene and fraternal climate.

    Msgr. Félicien also emphasized that the working method adopted during this Provincial Assembly will be the method of discernment. 
    The exchanges turned around the reflections on the three memos proposed by the General Government, namely, “Spirituality and Mission: Evangelization is our Joy,” “Reconciliation as a gift of God and a missionary task,” and “Interculturality: a witness.” 

    The discernment led the participants in the Provincial Assembly of KIN to the election of the following delegates and substitutes for the 16th Chapter:

    Delegates                                                                Substitutes

    1.        Didier Badianga, ex officio              Théophile Nlandu, ex officio

    2.       Jean Tsoungui, elected                     Timothy Ngumbi, elected

    3.       Arnel Batilong, elected                     André Mangongo, elected

    4.       Louis Ngoy, elected                          Emmanuel Iroung, elected


    Missionary Priorities 2022

    Didier Badianga, the Provincial Superior, presented the missionary project of the Province of Kinshasa, the fruit of a revision process initiated at the 2015 Provincial Assembly.

    This project is articulated around four major priorities selected by the Provincial Assemblies of June 2007, May 2016, and May 2021:

    1. To live our religious missionary identity;
    2. To raise awareness and ensure the ongoing formation of ourselves, the agents of evangelization, and the people;
    3. To promote Justice-Peace-Integrity of Creation and Interreligious Dialogue;
    4. To educate and invest in the integral formation of the youth.